Term | Description |
Account Type |
A series of criteria placed upon trading conditions that are packaged within an account. Portfolio Managers have access to Pro accounts. |
Billing Period |
The billing period measures an investment's performance within a specified period. Each period ends on the last Friday of the month, from 23:50 UTC+0 to 23:59:59 UTC+0. |
Equity Sync |
A service to ensure profit or loss shared between the trader and investor is fair and accurate by comparing the profits of the trader’s account with the investors' accounts after closing trades and adjusts the fund’s account as needed. |
Fund |
A fund is created by a Portfolio Manager, where pooled investments by Investors are used by a PM to trade with. |
Investment |
An investment is a particular amount of money allocated from the investment wallet to be used when investing in a fund. |
Investing |
Refers to allocating resources, commonly money, with the expectation of generating future returns. |
Investor |
The client of a Portfolio Manager who invests in one or more funds. |
Exness Investor app |
The Exness Investor app is used by Investors to manage their investments in funds created by a Portfolio Manager. |
Exness Investor PA | Used by an Investor from the Personal Area (PA) to manage their investments in funds, account settings, and more. |
Leverage |
The ratio of margin to loan capital. Leverages are set by the Portfolio Manager and can be set up to 1:200. |
Performance fee |
The performance fee is a percentage of the amount an Investor pays to a Portfolio Manager (PM) for profitable investments after a billing period. |
Personal Area (PA) |
Investors and Portfolio Managers use it to manage their profiles, trading accounts, trading performance, make deposits, withdrawals, and more. |
Portfolio Management Solution |
A service that allows clients to manage funds and invite Investors to their created funds. |
Portfolio Management Process |
The process of allocating profits from trades by a Portfolio Manager that uses invested capital from Investors in a fund account. |
Portfolio Manager |
The Portfolio Manager opens funds, executes equity-allocated trades, and earns based on their trading and performance fees from Investors who invest in the respective fund. |
Portfolio Manager’s Personal Area | Used by Portfolio Managers to manage their profile, funds, account settings, and more from their Exness Personal Area (PA). |
Portfolio Manager’s Profit | The profit earned by the Portfolio Manager. |
Pro | An account type available to Portfolio Managers. |
Distributed profits in funds are a share of the investment profit after fees, which are credited to the investment wallet at the end of the billing period. |
Spread |
The amount of difference between Bid and Ask pricing. |
Stop an Investment |
When an Investor stops investing in a fund. |
Swap | Swap, or currency swap, occurs when parties exchange interest and principal payments on debt denominated in different currencies. |
Unregistered User |
A person who has downloaded the Exness Investor app but has not registered a Personal Area. |
Investment wallet |
The wallet the Investor uses to fund their investment account to invest in funds. |
Exness Investor Glossary of Terms
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