As a Portfolio Manager (PM), once you have set up a fund, you can monitor its performance using a wide range of reports, graphs, and charts that track a fund’s performance.
Head to the Portfolio management tab in your Personal Area (PA) and click on a fund. Under Overview, you will find the following data:
Current statistics
This section displays data for the current billing period.
- Active investors: The number of current active investors.
- Active investments: The number of current active investments.
- Expected fee: The calculated fee based on the current trading result.
- AUM: Assets Under Management (AUM) is the total sum of all equity (Investors’ and PMs) managed in a fund.
Note: AUM is updated every minute; other data here is updated every 15 minutes.
Statistics since inception
This section displays data from the fund’s inception. Your partner rewards can also be found here. Click Track results to be redirected to the Partner Personal Area (PPA).
- Investors: The number of Investors who have invested.
- Investments: The total number of investments.
- Avg. investment duration: The average investment time for all investments.
- For closed investments, it is the difference between investment creation and investment close time.
- For active investments, it’s the difference between investment creation and the current moment.
- Earned fee: The sum of earned fees for all previous billing periods. This does not include the Expected fee for the current billing period.
- Performance
- Return: The percentage change in the fund’s equity by trading activity.
- A graph of the fund’s return can be customized to specific periods, such as the day, week, month, three months, six months, year to date, last year, or the whole lifetime of the fund.
- Maximum drawdown: The most significant loss from trading activity since the fund’s inception. The drawdown will be calculated based on cumulative return changes.
Trading performance
The breakdown of the PM’s trading performance within a fund is presented in a dynamic chart based on closed orders and includes:
- Average profit and loss
- Duration
- Highest profit and loss
- Profitable and Unprofitable orders
- Order size
Trading instruments
The data here display the share of each instrument traded by the PM since the fund’s inception. It can be viewed by either volume in USD (calculated with open and closing volumes) or by the number of orders. For each instrument traded, the following details include:
- Profitable orders
- Unprofitable orders
- Total orders
- Profit
- Loss
- PnL
Note: Only closed orders are used to accumulate the Trading Instrument section.
For more ways to track performance in a fund, learn how to monitor Investors’ investments in a fund.